Rachel Drumm's Diary

This is the diary of me, Rachel Drumm. You're reading the diary of Rachel Drumm. You are NOT Rachel Drumm. You are quite obviously a snooper. So that will be your new name. Hello, Snooper, how are you today?

Sunday, February 25


Today I
o1. fixed my television
o2. painted my nails Barbie-pink
o3. showered twice
o4. watched Scrubs
o5. helped with laundry
o6. yelled at Tori (my sister, who was
a hand-delivered present from Satan
o7. Did Tori's chores
o8. ate some ice.

Sundays are lame.
But not as lame as
not having any orange juice.

I told Patricia (the lady in charge around these parts,
aka Mom)
that we're out of juice. She replied with

"unnnghuhgn ugnnn ngngun."

Which I think translates from Sickness to English as:

"As soon as I'm done being too sick to live, I shall
rush to the store and buy some more orange juice, seeing
as how your life very well may depend on having this
sinfully delicious drink, my beautiful daughter."

Or maybe it means:

"Drink some milk instead."

Of course, she couldn't have said that
because as everyone knows, Snooper,
lactose intolerant.

I bet she said:

"Leave me alone. I'm trying to rest, and I swear if
you bug me one more time about that stupid juice,
I will make sure you never so much as look at juice
ever again. Do you understand?"

In hindsight, I probably
shouldn't have yelled, "Thanks Patricia! You're the greatest!"


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