Rachel Drumm's Diary

This is the diary of me, Rachel Drumm. You're reading the diary of Rachel Drumm. You are NOT Rachel Drumm. You are quite obviously a snooper. So that will be your new name. Hello, Snooper, how are you today?

Friday, February 23

Pretty much

So I have this boyfriend, right?
And he's pretty much
(for the most part).
And I pretty much
love him
(and I have for a long time).
And I pretty much
hate the fact that he happens to be
best frigging friends
with my
who happens to be very good friends with
my old best friend, who ruined our friendship
by telling me that
he didn't think of me as a little sister anymore
(In fact, he never had, according to him. He always knew,
just didn't want to say anything because he feared that
I would be creeped out.
Dingding, we have a winner).

My ex-boyfriend (Tom) is in love with me.
My old best friend (Ethan) is in love with me.
My boyfriend (Troy) is in love with me.
And this is definitely
quite the dilemma, seeing as how
I am only in love with my boyfriend (I hope).

Love is a strong word
and I am a weak girl
but I think know it's
pretty much worth the fight.


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